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I have lot of fanart that I would like to share and the first one you saw was just one of them here's this one

Thank you, that's very sweet!


here's some fanart i made

Wow, thank you! ❤️


i really enjoyed it


this game might not have any word but can understand easily. thats great thing as a story telling just by a picture. 


This came together really nicely across two playthroughs for the different endings, great work. Gorgeous art too of course.


super nice and dreamy designs, and cool story too, my only problem is the lack of dialogue, I barely had any idea what was going on, it was also very short


I really love it, the art is pretty dreamlike and cute


It was in this game that I discovered that I like psychedelic things Hahaha Excellent Game!!


Absolutely mesmerized by the art. Some of the most unique visuals I have ever seen in a game or anything, really.


the style is very enchanting. its as if you have made a dreamlike hyperreality. it was short and sweet, the art is exciting. its a curious experience and situation, illustrated in a way that is eclectic yet very concise. i loved the mixture of styles and the range of figurative-abstract graphics that are enmeshed together. the atmosphere is mysterious, brooding, tentative, and it feels good. i feel enriched


i really loved this game, art was amazing, it told an amazing story and was very fun to play ^^

I'm trying so hard to get the 2nd ending lol, but idk what to do to get it, and i don't like looking up tuts on how to do it

The ending depends on which wig you chose for your sister. If you choose the same wig in both cases, you will get the ending with the cops. If you chose 2 different ones, then the ending with a train.

oooh, i didn't think of that!


That was certainly different. But completed both endings.

super charming, easily kept me interested, the plot hooked me instantly, really nothing i can say negatively about this lil experience


The story is dark and the fact that it's not told in chronological order makes it more mysterious the first time around. But the real star of the game is the great art style, it looks so awesome.

Really good game, I loved it

Here's my German walkthrough with both endings


Thank you, I liked that you also made a video with what is happening in chronological order, very cool!


Cute art for a grim story...


Love the boiling art style. The story was well-conveyed through visuals alone. The minigames were a nice accent. I had to play a couple times to fully understand the story and how to get the second ending, but that gives it nice replayability. There were a couple parts that spooked me, too! Nicely done.


Thank you very much!


I don't usually leave comments on games but this was such a cool experience that I had to. Played it in the middle of the night with the lights off which gave the great atmosphere and an even more eerie vibe. A small noise from the kitchen was eerily timed, coinciding precisely the end and even made me jump a little. Kudos, my friend kudos.

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Thank you💙


Its a very beautiful game , the story was well told and I love the artwork.


The art is absolutely amazing, I especially love the storytelling with stream-of-consciousness approach. But I have to admit that I didn't fully understand the whole story on my first playthrough, but the experience it offered was really unique. Anyway I love its vibe


Thank you! Glad you liked it ❤️




just amazing!!


This is SO cool. Arts are stunning and I really like the concept:) It's a simple game but well polished and captivating. Keep it up:




good spooky


Потрясающий визуал и душераздирающая история, удалось выбить обе 2 концовки, несмотря на козни ютуба.
Главный скример - это цены на молоко О_О

Будем следить за вашим дальнейшим творчеством! <3



You Threw me off To That I Salute you Dude




Очень хорошая игра, мама-мышь напомнила мою маму :3


Пиздец психодел, но это конечно уметь надо, это круто.


I didn't expect it to be a horror game, but it definitely gave me chills. That was really great!

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Thank you!



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Does the game have more endings?? Really impressive art. 

Thank you! No, the game only has 2 endings, it’s very nice that you got both)


во что я только что поиграл


Это просто О... Отлично))
